Sunday, September 18, 2011

Something to make you laugh

One of my favorite blogs to follow is You look like the right type. Mark Addison Smith rights down dialogue he hears around him, sketches out something incorporating the dialogue, then posts a sketch every 24 hours. It's a great way to realize how what's going on around us can provide inspiration for what we do as journalists and designers.

Here's yesterday's sketch:

Friday, September 9, 2011

Critique: Tigers and Cupcakes

In this week's Tiger Kick-off, we're running a story about how MU football coach likes to play teams that are considered pretty easy to beat, aka cupcake teams. The original idea for lead art was a lot of stats over a cupcake (the reporter came up with this idea). What this morphed into was the idea of illustrating a Tiger eating a cupcake. That's where I came in.

Here's the second version of what I came up with:

The manager of Tiger Kick-off and I had some concerns about the illustration being too adorable for what we were going for. As a result, I replaced the cupcake with stock art of a real cupcake, and stacked the cupcakes behind the tiger.
Personally, I'm in love with it. But I adore cupcakes and got to play with a stuffed tiger hand puppet that roared for a day, so I'm kind of biased.